Bullying & Unschooling

Bullying & Unschooling

An excellent question recently posted by our friend @christine💛

(la conversacion en espanol tambien bajo👇🏽)

👋 recently a mom with middle school kids in a private school was sharing her struggles with bullying especially among teenage girls. She said it was vicious and visceral. Wondering if somehow unschooling bypasses that? Is it a phenomenon that happens mainly in schools? I’m curious if there are any podcasts from unschoolers on this subject. I have three girls and thus invested.

I would love to hear more on this topic and encourage you all to ask and talk more about it here, with your family and kids especially.

Here are some questions that randomly come to mind that I wonder about myself.

  • Where & why do you think bullying starts or comes from?
    Home? School? Parents/Family? Friends? Society?
  • Are people who bully hurting and it's being projected outwardly to others? How do we help them?
  • Is there a "solution" or a way to lessen the effects of bullying comments and "not so nice" people by creating an environment where it's not acceptable? Is that in itself a form of control? Or is that teaching social norms and kindness?
  • Is any form of "bullying" ever acceptable?
  • Or are these unavoidable human experiences we all share in different varying degrees? If so, how do we help to learn from each other on how to navigate this as an individual and community?
  • Could some forms of parenting be considered intimidating?

I just scratched the surface with a few questions and resources to share. Looking forward to hearing your opinions in the comments!

*May I ask in pursuit of the idea that life IS learning (and we are ALL still learning), please lead with an open mind and heart to allow differences of opinions and ideas when commenting back and forth💛🤍

List of Bullying Podcast I found, but have not listened to: https://blog.feedspot.com/bullying_podcasts/

Why bullying and unschooling don’t mix

Why this author thinks bullying isn't as much an issue with un/homeschooled kids

Bullying is not just a school problem. It’s a societal problem.  A society that enjoys watching people be insulted on shows


A small study from a recent Australian Journal of Unschooling and Alternative learning of 6 families deciding to unschool because of bullying in schools:

https://jual.nipissingu.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2023/02/v14296.pdf p. 5-18

Please share your thoughts and what solutions we may discover together through this dialogue🤍

Siting sources and sharing places to go do more of our own research is always greatly appreciated.😉

En espanol 😍

Por favor ayudame si hay errors en traducion 🙏🏽

Una excelente pregunta publicada recientemente por nuestra amiga @christine💛

👋 Recientemente, una madre con hijos de secundaria en una escuela privada compartió sus luchas contra el acoso escolar, especialmente entre las adolescentes. Ella dijo que era vicioso y visceral. ¿Se pregunta si de alguna manera la desescolarización pasa por alto eso? ¿Es un fenómeno que ocurre principalmente en las escuelas? Tengo curiosidad por saber si hay podcasts de no escolares sobre este tema. Tengo tres niñas y por lo tanto invertí.

Me encantaría saber más sobre este tema y los animo a todos a preguntar y hablar más al respecto aquí, especialmente con su familia e hijos.

Aquí hay algunas preguntas que me vienen a la mente al azar que me pregunto sobre mí mismo.

¿Dónde y por qué crees que empieza o viene el bullying?
¿Hogar? ¿Escuela? ¿Padres/Familia? ¿Amigos? ¿Sociedad?

¿Las personas que acosan están sufriendo y eso se proyecta hacia los demás? ¿Cómo les ayudamos?

¿Existe una "solución" o una manera de disminuir los efectos de los comentarios de intimidación y las personas "no tan agradables" creando un entorno en el que no es aceptable? ¿Es eso en sí mismo una forma de control? ¿O eso es enseñar normas sociales y amabilidad?

¿Es aceptable alguna forma de "intimidación"?

¿O son estas experiencias humanas inevitables que todos compartimos en diferentes grados? Si es así, ¿cómo ayudamos a aprender unos de otros sobre cómo navegar esto como individuo y comunidad?

¿Podrían algunas formas de crianza considerarse intimidatorias?

Acabo de rascar la superficie con algunas preguntas y recursos para compartir. ¡Espero escuchar sus opiniones en los comentarios!

  • ¿Puedo preguntar en busca de la idea de que la vida ES aprender (y TODOS todavía estamos aprendiendo), por favor dirija con una mente y un corazón abiertos para permitir diferencias de opiniones e ideas al comentar de un lado a otro 💛🤍 *

Lista de podcasts sobre acoso escolar que encontré, pero no escuché: blog.feedspot.com/bullying_podcasts/

Por qué el bullying y la desescolarización no se mezclan

Por qué este autor piensa que la intimidación no es un problema tan grande con los niños que no reciben educación en el hogar

El bullying no es sólo un problema escolar. Es un problema social. Una sociedad que disfruta viendo insultar a la gente en los programas.


Un pequeño estudio de un reciente Australian Journal of Unschooling and Alternative learning de 6 familias que decidieron desescolarizarse debido a la intimidación en las escuelas:

jual.nipissingu.ca/wp-content/uplo... pág. 5-18

Comparta sus pensamientos y qué soluciones podemos descubrir juntos a través de este diálogo🤍

Situar fuentes y compartir lugares para hacer más de nuestra propia investigación siempre es muy apreciado.😉

Mia•18 abr 23

Thanks for keeping the conversation alive here Lisa! I am going to sit with some of these phenomenal questions and I have one of my own to add for now.

If you witness a parent bullying their own child, when is it (if ever) appropriate to step in and what would be the most effective way to do it in a way that honors everyone?

Would really love to hear other’s thoughts. I tend to be non confrontational but knowing the impact that mean words and invalidating experiences can have in the long run, it breaks my heart to see it happening from people who consider it an acceptable form of parenting 😓.

Fantastic question @mia! One I struggle with myself.

Witnessing different styles of parenting that I may not understand or have the full aspect of what's going on brings up more questions than answers:

  • What is the parent's upbringing? How does that effect their parenting style?
  • From their perspective is that "bullying" or just how they were raised? Is this what they know and is acceptable to them?
  • Who decides this dynamic as acceptable or not?
  • What is the history of the parent-child dynamic?
  • Where is the misunderstanding and miscommunication?
  • Are the parents aware of other forms of communication styles that could work better?
  • Are they open to listening to or accepting feedback on parenting? I think that's the hardest one to approach and talk about.

I don't have any answers, but trying to understand the perspectives of everyone involved would be where I would want to start. I'm open having these conversations in a group setting☺

Super bueno pregunta! And so many layers to undercover🤍🧅
Thank you @mia 💟

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