Free Play 10/30 Finca Don Chu en Naguabo

Free Play 10/30 Finca Don Chu en Naguabo
Free Play at Finca Don Chu in Naguabo Puerto Rico

Recorrido Finca Don Chu - Wanda Soto
Para Familias Grupo Unschooling

Special Update: Ms. Nicole is joining us for our fun adventure and offering her yoga class to the families @10:30am (included in the cost of the ticket tour)πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Se ofrece recorrido divertido de nuestros amiga Neysha para los niΓ±os por un costo de $10 por familia, esto incluye una caminata por la finca con explicaciones de todas las siembras, flora y fauna. Al final de la caminata que puede durar 30-45 minutos tendremos una actividad para los niΓ±os donde sembrarΓ‘n una plantita y les pintarΓ‘n las caritas con barro./Join us for this week's Free Play offered by our friend NeyshaπŸ’›. A new adventure in the glory of Puerto Rico's naturleza! A tour given by her friend Wanda from Finca Don Chu in Naguabo. An extraordinary place for the children to play and explore!πŸŒ±β˜€

It's $10 (cash or ATH) per family for a guided tour around the farm with Wanda exploring and sharing all the flora and fauna on their property. At the end of the walk (30-45 minutes), she will have an activity for the children where they will plant a seedling and have their faces painted with clay.

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